Monday, July 27, 2009

Bulgaria....aka Spring Break for Semester at Sea

Ok, this will probably be really short. But Bulgaria was the most random country I have ever been to. This was the first year that semester at sea has travelled to Bulgaria so we were kind of a test run. the only thing there was to do was go to the beach, go to water parks, get massages on the sand, go to thousands and thousands of clubs and beach bars and my favorite...bunjee jumping! i did not have any parts of the bunjee jumping business so dont worry world. but some of my other friends jumped off a freakin bridge with a string attached to thier ankles. all i did while i was here was go to the beach and the movie theatre to see transformers which was amazing!!!!! my favorite thing i did was go to this Bulgarian waterpark called AQUAPOLIS hahahahaha. it was the funniest thing in the whole world. there were a whole bunch of slides and floaty thingys and kiddie pools and it was sooo fun. it was also graces 22nd birthday so we partied like Bulgarian rockstars....if that even exists. I cant really say i would come back here but it was fun while it lasted. i am so super excited that in 2 days i will be in egypt. watching the scenes in transformers when they were in egypt made me scream from excitement. people in the theatre yelled at me in Bulgarian to shut up...i think. i dont really have anything to exciting to tell about bulgaria excpet that its beautiful and the people are a little wierd. they shake thier heads up and down for no and left to right for yes. me and grace had a really akward moment with this one guy in a convenient store because we wanted to know if he sold stamps and he said what we think was no but shook his head yes. we struggled for about 11 minutes then just slowly walked out with place with no stamps. we still dont know if he had them or not. well im pretty much done. egypt is in 2 days. i cant wait.

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