Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alexandria, Egypt

I actually have access to the internet right now because I am in sitting in the second largest library on Planet Earth. The Biblotheca Alxendria in Alexandria, Egypt. I am in Egypt right now. It is so unbelievably crazy. This city is dirty, polluted, crowded, gritty and I love it. People drive where ever and however they want, people cross the street in the craziest ways and men are walking in the middle of the road pulling a donket with a wagon-full of watermelons. Its amazing. The people are so nice here, but you can definitely see the line between the "haves" and "havenots". We met this cab driver, named Mohamed Ali, I didnt believe him so I made him show me all his identification...he wasnt lying. He is taking us all around the city to see the highlights of Alexandria. So far we have seen the catacombs and the Pillar of some guy named Pompey. But all the touristy stuff does not compare to driving through the streets and seeing what the people who live here see every single day. I love it here. Its a real live, breathing, moving city. New York has nothing on Alexandria. I will never complain about the traffic in Philadelphia, New Jersey or New York ever again. I will never call a city in America dirty ever again and I will never complain about too many people in place again, because this is ridiculoius and from what Im told Cairo is ten times more congested, polluted and rough, so Im sure I'll love Cairo ten times more than I love Alexandria. Im appreciating getting away from the cities that thrive off of nothing but tourism. I cant read any of the signs here, the music is all in Arabic, the people are going to work, children are playing outside, the colorful clothing looks nothing like what we wear in America. I love it. Its so different. Ok well I must go now, Mohamed Ali is waiting for us outside and we're going to the Ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria next. Its not there anymore, they built something on top of where it used to be but it was once one of the 7 ancient wonders in the world. So needless to say, Im excited. More to come... Im going to see THE PYRAMIDS tomorrow. Peace!

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