Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Rock of Gibraltar

June 28th, 2009
Today we stopped for fuel in the Strait of Gibraltar. This is literally the crossroads between Africa and Europe. Let me explain to you my morning. I got up to have breakfast and I sat on the outside deck to eat it. To my left was the Rock of Gibraltar, I hope you all have heard of this place, if not google it, and on my right was Morocco. I was looking at Africa. I was in between Europe and Africa. Like, I have seen Africa. This doesn’t even make sense or sound real to me. The ship was so close to Gibraltar and Morocco I could have jumped out and swam to either continent. I keep using the word amazing and keep saying everything I see is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life, but all this stuff just keeps getting better so I can’t help it. I just want you to visualize standing on a ship with Spain and Gibraltar about 500 yards away from your left side and then Morocco, Africa 500 yards from your right side. It’s breath taking. It’s surreal. We are now officially in the Mediterranean Sea now and the sun is so so so so so so so close and so so so so so so hot. Everyone knows that I don’t tan easily, but I sat outside to read and I had my book on my lap and now I have a book tan line across my legs. I look like an idiot. The water is greener than green and as a clear as a pool. Well, I have two papers I need to write so I’ll write more later in the week! Bye.

1 comment:

  1. how can the water be greener than green, but also clear as a pool? lol
