Saturday, June 20, 2009

i saw some freakin dolphins today

Hello world….June 21st my time June 20th your time…right now im listening to Uptown by Drake and Lil Wayne….IM OFFICIALLY IN EUROPE!!!! So today was another beautifully amazing day. It was about 70 degrees with a small breeze and the sky was so low I felt like I could touch it. I slept through my first two classes this morning because 1. The time moved forward an hour YET AGAIN and I didn’t adjust my clock 2. I don’t have a window in my room so there is no freakin sunlight 3. I turned off the alarm clock and 4.the ocean rocked me to a deep deep slumber again. But its ok because my teachers live on the 5th floor so I just knocked on their door and asked them what I missed.After I finally got up, I made it to my last class, bullsh*tted a quiz, got 100 on it and then went to lunch lol. Let me tell you all about the food here. We have potatoes at every meal. EVERY MEAL. I didn’t realize that potatoes could go with everything, but it does. There is always some type of fish, vegetarian dish and brown colored meat, salad and pasta and it all taste ok at first…but you think about it later….not so good. But im surviving, I guess that’s the goal. Um breakfast is from 700 to 830 lunch is 1200 to 130 and dinner is from 530 to 800. It’s a rough life. I don’t eat anything after 6 everyday. Im starving. Its bad.
But more importantly….I saw a cod of DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!! Yes cod is the proper term, at first I said a herd of dolphins but I quickly got corrected by one of the professor’s seven year old daughter. It was soooo beautiful. There were about 11 of them and they were all jumping in the air and I was screaming like a lunatic. We saw land today for the first time in 4 days. There were these two random islands smack in the middle of the atlantic ocean. One was called Corzo and the other one right across it was called Flores. They were absolutely gorgeous and they were literally in between North America and Europe. Once we passed through them we were officially in European waters. The population of both islands combined was 400 people. I have no idea how they live there or what they eat or who they reproduce with but apparently it works. It was so surreal standing on a ship looking at these islands that were created by a volcano that was smoking as we sailed past it. There were no roads, no airport, a clump of houses near the coast. No telephone poles, no wires, nothing. We literally saw the entire island as we past it. Every side of it. People actually live there and I’m sure they are some of the happiest people in the world. When I tell you there was nothing there, I mean NOTHING. They were in the middle of the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The middle!!! How the f did they get there? It was so cool.
After all that excitement, I had a meeting…o let me tell you…somehow I am a program assistant on this damn ship. I applied for work study and got it and I thought that I would just be working in the library but noooo me and 7 other people are freakin program assistants. What that means is I am the assistant to one of the 8 living/learning coordinators on the ship who are basically our councelors/ra’s and I help them with whatever they need to do. But my boss is amazing and she lets me do what I want so I got to run my own meeting and do my own thing. Soooo I thought I was going to come here and just be a regular student doing regular things…but no…I ran my own meeting today for students interested in service learning which is a way they can combine what we learn here and do some type of community service in the countries we go to and on the ship… aaaaaand I kinda think I started my own student organization today lol I just cant get away from doing stuff like this!!! But I love it so whatever. Im actually tired and don’t really feel like writing any more so I think ill stop now. Ill be in spain in 3 more days and then the good stuff will really begin. FYI MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 4 DAYS SO I EXPECT SOME “HAPPY BIRTHDAYS” I ALSO ACCEPT GIFTS SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED MY ADDRESS. THANK YOU. Oooo and if you love me please email me. It would really nice to hear from civilization. My email here is

Also, the sun didn’t set here until about 10 at night. It was amazing. I think I might sleep on the deck tonight and watch the sun rise from the water. Yeah that sounds nice. Goodnight/good morning world.


  1. WOW... that's all that needs to be said. Wish your food could sound a lot better though lol. Keep us posted on your adventures Nexus!!

  2. Wow...u cant get away from being a leader well lead on my sista(i hav my fist in a ball in the air as i say keep the stories coming they enligten my day i now know what a curd is:)
